Thursday, May 5, 2016

Astronomy in the News


The comic above gave me a good laugh! :)

For a few weeks of Science Methods, we spent some time working on Space concepts. One of our first activities to get us into the topic was to find a number of news articles about Astronomy. 

I was surprised to find so many articles that were released so recently. Apparently, news about Space is almost as frequent as the interesting quotes the Presidential Candidates are making! 

The first article I found was, "Black holes mysteriously align." This article talked about supermassive black holes in the distant universe are all spinning out radio jets in the same direction. Scientists believe that this spin formation began when the galaxies first formed in the early universe.

The second article I found was, "SpaceX makes waves with landing at sea." This rocket was able to send supplies to the International Space Station and then land safely on a landing strip in the ocean. Other rockets have not had as successful time of a landing/recovery of the rocket in the past. 

The third article was, "An artificial comet holds secrets to Earths life." Researchers have created an artificial comet that contains ribose. Ribose is one of the building blocks of genetic material, which may have actually formed in cometary ices. 

The fourth article, "Supernova showered earth with radioactive debris" discusses a series of supernova explosions near our solar system, which happened millions of years ago. According to Scientists, this explosion contained radioactive debris. 

The fifth article, "Early Mars bombardment likely enhanced life-supporting habitat," was about Mars having a certain atmospheric pressure that would have supported a water cycle. 

The sixth article I found was, "Saturn spacecraft not affected by hypothetical Planet 9." Scientists are saying that NASA's Cassini spacecraft is not having any changes in its orbit around Saturn. Some thought it may have issues, due to the proximity of Planet 9. 

The seventh article I found was, "New gravity map gives best yet view inside Mars." This article discusses the technology that is used to see inside planets, much like x-rays used to see inside Humans. This will be helpful for scientists to learn more information about Mars. 

All of these articles, provided me with informative and current information about Astronomy. I hope to incorporate a "Science- Current Events" into my future classroom! 

You can access my news articles from the Glogster I created for this project. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your post on the Astronomy articles! I like how you broke down each article that you picked and discussed why they were important. It is important for teachers to be aware of what is currently happening so that they can inform the students and explain why what they are learning is important. I love your Glogster!
