Sunday, February 7, 2016

Another week done!


I can't believe we are already done with week 2 and closing in on week 3. This semester is moving so quickly, especially in this class! I can't believe that my group presents our lesson in a few days, hard to believe considering we just started the class. This class is definitely on full speed ahead, very different from my other classes so far at the Mount. 

This past week we met in the Curriculum Library- before Dr. Smirnova's email- I never knew there was such a place! Luckily, it was not too hard to find and I hope to go back and explore it soon. This Library seems to have many great resources that we will be able to use throughout our time here both in and outside of the classroom. The librarian, Tiffany Davis, was very friendly and full of great information. I just wish we had got a chance to walk around the library with Tiffany to see where everything was located. 

Our cooperating teacher, Mrs. Foster-Faith from Bishop Dunne was also able to join us for class. It was nice to put a face to the name and know who we would be working with for the next few weeks- well in Group 1's case- week! Mrs. F came across a little abrupt at times and at first I was unsure as to what to think. However, as the time went on I realized that she is very serious and committed to her job and the students that we will be working with in the after school program. Mrs. F offered to help us all out however she could, whether it be with supplies, ideas, etc. My group took her up immediately on that offer and emailed her that night with our idea for our lesson. We were soon told that our idea was too broad and that we need to narrow it down and Mrs. F suggested we look into Next Generation Science Standards for some inspiration. This really helped our group and we were able to narrow down our topic. It is great to be able to correspond with Mrs. F and Dr. Smirnova about our lesson, as this fieldwork is quite different than our prior experiences here at the Mount. 

Today, my group and I met bright and early at the library to really finalize our ideas about our lesson and start writing it all up. We got a lot accomplished in the four hours we met for and then had more work to do ourselves afterwards. We all left feeling confident in our lesson, only to find out that Dr. Smirnova thought that we were missing some parts to the lesson. Hopefully we get this sorted soon and are all ready to go on Tuesday at 4:30. On one hand I wish we had more time, while on the other I am glad it will be over so soon! Fingers crossed it all goes well for us on Tuesday...or that we get a snow storm :)

 This has been a busy and stressful week- I hope that is not the case every week for this class! 

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